Fees for Non-NHS Services

Medicals / Reports / Forms

Simple Letter / Form / Statement of fact (no opinion) - schools / To whom it may concern / Blue Badge (disabled parking) etc. £30.00

Complex Letter / Form / Statement of fact (with opinion) - schools / To whom it may concern / Blue Badge (disabled parking) etc £55.00 

Council Tax Exemption Form £20.00

Firearms licence £50.00

Private sick note £30.00

Student finance England form £45.00

Miscellaneous examination (appointment and report) £180.00

Patient Coroner's report 

Holiday / Travel Reports

Freedom from Infection Certificate £50.00

Holiday insurance related claim form / cancellation £50.00

Need to carry medication on plane letter £30.00

Private Prescription for Travel Abroad £30.00 


DVLA Fitness to Drive Medical (examination) £85.00 

DVLA Fitness to Drive Medical (no examination) £40.00

Commercial vehicle driving Medical Examination £120.00

Taxi / HGV Medical £120.00 Patient

Occupational Health

Armed Forces Pre-employment Questionnaire £70.00

Armed Forces Provision of Medical Notes after acceptance into Armed Forces £55.00

Completion of Student Nurse / Midwife occupational health form £35.00

Oftsed Report (child minding) £110.00

Provision of information to assist in pre-employment occupational health: factual report including opinion of fitness £180.00

Provision of information to assist in pre-employment occupational health: factual report no opinion £150.00 

Non NHS work - Not charged

SF 100 Sure Start Maternity Grant

Job Centre ESA Reports

Debt Evidence Forms

Housing Association / Application / Benefit forms 

Access to Medical Records

Access to Medical Records under GDPR 2018 as requested by solicitor or insurance company. No charge

Access to Medical Records under GDPR 2018 as requested by patient. No charge

SAR (Subject Access Request) under GDPR 2018 No charge 

Access to Medical Records for third parties / insurance companies etc (under medical records act 1988) No charge (unless excessive) 


Assessment of capacity and completion of Power of Attorney form - Finance  £125.00

Assessment of capacity and completion of Power of Attorney form - Finance (in patient's place of residence) £150.00

Assessment of capacity and completion of Power of Attorney form - Health  £125.00

Assessment of capacity and completion of Power of Attorney form - Health (in patient's place of residence) £150.00

Legal letter to solicitors providing information to assist with legal proceedings From £180 

Letter to confirm health for legal proceedings From £55 

Insurance Reports

General Practitioner Report (GPR) £125.00

Life Insurance report £125.00 

Life Insurance Report with Medical Examination £240.00

Private Medical Insurance Form (complex) £50.00

Private Medical Insurance Form (simple) £35.00

Supplementary Report £50.00

Targeted Report £115.00 

Adoption and Fostering

AH Fostering and Adoption - Adult Health report £135.00 

AH2 Fostering and Adoption - Update Adult Health report £75.00 

Department of Work and Pensions

Completion of DS1500 £17.00

Completion of factual report for DLA £33.50 

We do not sign forms for participation in sports such as sky diving, parachuting, mountain climbing, scuba diving, marathons or similar. These need to be arranged with a private specialist.

We are unable to issue letters/certificates stating patients are 'fit to fly'. Assessing whether someone can fly falls outside our area of expertise as General Practitioners (GPs).

Your hospital team will be better placed than us to inform your airline of some conditions.

Pregnant women may be able to obtain the required paperwork from their obstetrician or midwife team.